Accessories: For Control and Long Pump Life
Pneumatic Intake
Pneumatic Discharge

Air Supply Kit
Cylinder oiler/filter regulator conditions, cleans & regulates incoming air
Speed Control
Sets operator-directed speed
Conductivity Level Control
Uses conductivity probes to turn pump on and off
Cycle Counter
Counts each full stroke; mounted on driver
Discharge Kit
Includes hose and connectors
External Foot Valve
Includes check valve & SS ball
Flexible Fiberglass Rod
Choose elevated-temp (green) or standard drive rod. Cut to any length.
Flow Meter
Counts gallons of liquid flowing from discharge tee
HDPE to SS Fittings
Threaded for heat butt fuse connections
Rod Lubricator
Injects tiny, pre-set amounts of oil into stuffing box to lubricate rod
Rod-to-Rod Coupling
Connects fiberglass rods to extend length
Solar DC Controller
Modulates solar panel variances to feed steady 24v DC current
SS Coupling w Drain Port
1.25 in. NPT female threaded connection from discharge tee
Stuffing Box Seal Kit
Seals in Buna & Viton; quick pop-out cartridges
Vanstone Flange & Well Seals
Zinc-coated steel seals 4 to 12 in., gas head 6 to 12 in.; with drain port
Pneumatic On/Off Timer
Turns pump on and off at operator-set schedule
Pressure Gauge
Measures pressure in pump discharge
Pressure Relief Valve
Controls/limits built-up pressure from clogs, failures
Rod Extractor
Rescue tool if drive rod slips below discharge tee
Pneumatic System Accessories

Weighted Sinker Bars