New-model Anchor Electric pumpn boosts hydrocarbon-removal 17% at old MW chemical plant
Blackhawk Technology’s latest-generation Anchor Electric Piston Pump®, installed to remove toxic hydrocarbons at a former industrial chemical-processing plant in the Midwest, has improved flow rates there by more than 17 percent, according to the project manager.
The new Anchor replaces a sturdy, older Blackhawk electric unit that had been serving for more than 10 years at the site. And although pleased with the long-term results of the older pump, the manager decided to upgrade.
An improved, all-weather actuator is credited for the increased flow by the manager, citing the actuator’s tighter control. The Anchor driver is designed to pump virtually any liquid with steady flow rates, even at significant depths.
The fluid being pumped at the old chemical plant is a mixture of PCBs and sinking hydrocarbon NAPL, at 170 feet below grade. In addition to the new actuator, the Anchor driver was chosen for its resistance to chemical encrustation, bio fouling and abrasion in this difficult application.

Refitted Monitoring Well
Surprisingly, the new Anchor was installed in an existing monitoring well. The new pump fits into a 2-inch casing with a 1¼ inch riser pipe. A 4-inch protective casing surrounds the 2-inch casing, protecting the well and supporting the pump. Thus a monitoring well has become a producing well.
Like all other Blackhawk piston pumps, the new Anchor operates above surface grade, making installation and servicing safer and simpler for field technicians. No pump pulling is required, and there is no worker contact with toxic fluids during maintenance, minimizing health risks.