Blackhawk Introduces New, Extended-Duty Pump — Atlas® Pneumatic Designed for Hot, Harsh Chemical Wells

Blackhawk Technology Company, the leading manufacturer of severe-service piston pumps and supplies, is introducing a next-generation pneumatic pump specially designed to meet customer requests for reliable extended-duty operations in hostile environments.
The Atlas® top-head-drive, positive-displacement piston pump offers an extended configuration that inhibits hot, sticky well liquid from entering the air cylinder. A patent-pending stuffing box and seal plate features two larger, more durable, longer-lasting seals, compared with the six seals found in other pumps.
"The Atlas’ new technologies fight the most difficult wells in four ways. First, the driver and controls are safely and cleanly outside of the well, tank or sump, not down with the harsh liquids being pumped," said Mark Bertane, Blackhawk president.
"Second, the extended configuration inhibits the nasty well liquids from fouling the pump, meaning longer service life. Third, our positive-air-control switching system guards against water in the air supply and is a significant improvement over earlier and competing valve models.

"Finally, Blackhawk’s innovative design means both that seals need to be replaced far less often, and that eventual field maintenance is quick, easy and safe — no pump pulling required," Bertane said. "The Atlas is simply ideal for extended-duty and remote service."
Atlas pumps feature powerful pneumatic drivers with flow ranges up to 11 gallons (41.6 liters) per minute, to depths up to 460 feet (140 meters). And because these pumps can be installed at any angle from zero to 90 degrees, they are well suited for low-flow remediation, landfill leachate, gas-condensate recovery, and gas-well dewatering applications.
"Our customers asked us to build the Atlas," Bertane said. "As the professional’s choice in next-generation technology, Blackhawk is innovating to make pumping simpler, more productive and more cost efficient."
Blackhawk Technology Company is the originator and the No. 1 manufacturer of top-head-drive, positive-displacement piston pumps — leading-edge technology refined by nearly 20 years of customer-driven improvements. Blackhawk continues to introduce innovative products to the industry’s most comprehensive line of pneumatic, electric and windmill-driven piston pumps and pump supplies, all designed to withstand the harshest weather and downhole pumping environments. Founded in 1990, the company originated landfill and groundwater remediation piston pumps. No one offers more real-world experience in tough landfills, chemical facilities and remediation sites throughout North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia.
To learn more call 800-469-4887.